CAPRA FOODSPRODUCER QUESTIONNAIRE Name * First Name Last Name Phone (###) ### #### Email * Business/Organization Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Please check all options that you agree with: I am interested in a long term marketing arrangement for my Dorper lambs I would be willing to commit a fixed number of lambs to Capra Foods to be harvested at fixed future dates throughout the year I am interested in going beyond the basic production requirements and learning more about Grass-Fed, Non-GMO, Organic, Global Animal Partnership (GAP) Step Rating, Certified Humane, Regenerative Agriculture I would be interested in marketing opportunities, working alongside Capra Foods, to get the word out about Dorper Lamb I understand that, in most cases, retailers and wholesalers require certification for raising claims associated with meat products. I am willing to allow a third party company to audit my records and raising practices in order to attain some of these certifications. Yes No If no, please explain How do you currently market your animals? * Private Treaty, Sale Barns, Custom Slaughter etc. How many lambs would you want to sell to us annually? * Thank you!